The "Silesia Colloquium" is an annual conference for young scholars researching topics related to Silesia. The colloquium is organized by the Cultural Department for Silesia at the Silesian Museum in Görlitz and the Upper Silesian Museum in Ratingen in cooperation with the Documentation Center HAUS SCHLESIEN and the Foundation Kulturwerk Schlesien.
A great many disciplines and fields of research touch on themes with links to the Central European region of Silesia. These include medieval, early modern and modern history, the history of German-Polish relations, the study of intertwined or entangled histories and migration history, but also literary, cultural and linguistic science, as well as local and everyday history, industrial history, geography, tourism and philosophy. The culture and history of this European region allows for a diverse range of perspectives and questions. With its focus on continuity and consistency, this conference aims to provide an overview of ongoing studies, across various disciplines, that relate to 
deu. Schlesien, ces. Slezsko, pol. Śląsk

Silesia (Polish: Śląsk, Czech: Slezsko) is a historical landscape, which today is mainly located in the extreme southwest of Poland, but in parts also on the territory of Germany and the Czech Republic. By far the most significant river is the Oder. To the south, Silesia is bordered mainly by the Sudeten and Beskid mountain ranges. Today, almost 8 million people live in Silesia. The largest cities in the region are Wrocław, Opole and Katowice. Before 1945, most of the region was part of Prussia for two hundred years, and before the Silesian Wars (from 1740) it was part of the Habsburg Empire for almost as many years. Silesia is classified into Upper and Lower Silesia.

, and to support a transnational network of young scientists.        
The Silesia-Colloquium was held for the first time in 2016 in Herrnhut (Saxony). The second iteration in 2017, which was organized by the Cultural Office for Silesia, also took place here. Since 2018, the colloquium has been held annually in October or November as a joint event by the Cultural Office for Silesia and the Cultural Office for Upper Silesia, its location alternating between Görlitz and Königswinter. Cooperation partners are Haus Schlesien and the Foundation Kulturwerk Schlesien.
The conference is intended for students at an advanced stage of their studies, as well as doctoral students, and postdocs from all fields of scientific research. The program is divided into sections according to topics or themes, each featuring project presentations approximately 20 minutes in length in German (or English), followed by a discussion. The sections are led by renowned academics. The conference language is German, but English is also welcome.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, the deadline being September 15 of the respective year. Applicants are required to send a short introduction of their research topic and their CV (max. one page) to The number of participants is limited. The costs for travel, accommodation and catering will be covered thanks to project funding by the Federal Government Commissioners for Culture and Media.
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