Every year, younger scholars are invited to the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern and Central European History in Marburg to participate in the Summer Academies for an intensive exchange of methods and content.
The participants of the international and interdisciplinary Summer Academies at the Institute focus on one field of research more intensively than the participants of the junior researcher conferences. Since 2003, longer summer academies have been organized annually with a – usually external – collaborating partner and a particular methodological and/or thematic focus. The Summer Academy is organized by the Herder Institute together with the collaborating partners. Up to 20, in exceptional cases up to 22 participants are invited, depending on the topic and on the calibre and number of applicants (usually doctoral students, in exceptional cases postdocs, post-doctoral students and students in the final phase of their respective Master's programs). In addition to the presentation and debate on the given projects, there are sessions devoted to methodological reflection and discussion (course work), and time given for participants to do their own research at the library, including in-depth topic-based study and exploring the services and collections on offer at the Herder Institute. Highlights are the 4-5 (impulse/keynote) presentations by renowned scientists on the respective thematic focus of the Summer Academy.