Monika Wolting is a professor at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Wrocław, spokesperson for the International Christa Wolf Center and deputy president of the Goethe Society Poland and the Grass Association in Gdańsk. She received the "Deserving Reconciler" distinction in 2020. She also works as a literary critic. She studied German language and literature in Gdańsk and Düsseldorf, completed her doctorate in Warsaw in 2002 and completed her habilitation at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Wrocław in 2010 with her thesis "The garden as a topos in the work of Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Undine Gruenter and Sarah Kirsch."
Her research focuses on war studies, intellectual history, engaged literature, aesthetics and politics, cultural politics and realism studies. In her research, she draws on the theory of literary semiotics, narratology, P. Bourdieu's field theory, Niklas Luhmann's systems theory and W. Welsch's concept of transculturality.
Her recent publications include:
  • Konflikte. Literarische Auseinandersetzungen mit Gegenwart und Zukunft (Monographie, Brill 2022)
  • Utopische und dystopische Weltenentwürfe (Herausgabe, Brill 2022)
  • Grenzerfahrungen und Globalisierung im Wandel der Zeit (Herausgabe, Brill 2021)
  • Der ‘Gentrifizierungsroman’ in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, Oxford German Studies 50, 2021 2
  • Der Heimkehrerroman der Gegenwart, Oxford German Studies 2020
  • Neues historisches Erzählen (Herausgabe, Brill 2019)
  • Der neue Kriegsroman. Repräsentationen des Afghanistankriegs in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur (Monographie, Winter 2019).